Saturday 3 December 2011

Fun on the Family Farm.

Having photographed the McGrath family a year ago it was lovely to be asked back again to photograph PJ and his younger brother Colm, 2 young boys that are full of life and have grown so much. 

Granny and Grandad were down for a visit and as Grandparents are such important people we had to take the opportunity to get a group photograph of 3 generations.

Farms are great places to grow up with lots of space and freedom, the perfect place for young boys to use up some energy.

Swings are fab for some fun shots, getting interesting angles involved taking my life in my hands just a little bit but it was worth it when the guys started to laugh as they tried to 'get me'.

A Dog may be a man's best friend but they are something particularly special to children, let's face it - they agree with everything you tell them, they never give out and they love you unconditionally, all that is hard to beat :-)

I spotted some great puddles out along the farm roadway and PJ and Colm didn't need much encouragement to go splashing!

A special Thank you to Mum, Fionnualla, who didn't really wince at all when the serious splashing started.  Then it was time to go back home for a much needed change of clothes and a shower...

With the help of a couple of Santa hats we also set some shots that may end up on Christmas cards for the McGrath family. The difference in energy in the 2 photographs is interesting;  No 1 was near the start of the session when Colm and PJ were still getting to know me and No 2 was near the end of the session after we had shared some fun and they were relaxed.  
A little bit of work in photoshop added a vintage effect. 

I really enjoyed this session, it was great fun and a pleasure to catch up with Fionnualla and her lovely family again, a big thank you for the enthusiasm that makes my job so special. XK.

Friday 28 October 2011

Lovely Lily

 Lily is a delicious little girl who has impish smiles that flit across her face and a spontaneous little dance that happens for no particular reason at all, except that she is happy.

We started off in the house playing with bricks, then doing a little dance of happiness and generally being hugged to bits.

Dad's really good at doing bricks too.

Mum is particularly good at hugs and kisses.

Time for a little dance....

Mum and Dad are really good at dancing too.

Then we put on the wellies and went outside for a little wander.

 It's such a big world out there when you're small, but you'll be fine as long as you've good loyal friends to care about you.

Ready for take off....

Up, Up and Away....!

After a little drive ...

 It was time for a bit of gardening


 ...and a little dance.

(I considered cropping the photograph of Lily dancing so that she would be larger in the frame but I didn't, because I love how tiny she is and she'll grow up quickly enough :-)

Expressions dance across her face and I had to be on my toes to capture some of them.

This photo of Lily (above) is one of my favourites from the shoot, for me it captures her joy of life.

Hidey Peep....!

Tired and hungry it was time for a rest.

...and some thing to eat....Whew....!

Thank you Lily, you were wonderful ....and may you always find reasons to dance. XK.

Friday 21 October 2011

Lots of Love & Laughter in Killarney

My extended family have the upside of having a photographer in the family and the downside of having a long wait to have their photographs processed after everyone else :-)

I got around to processing my wonderful nephew Ronan's Communion photographs recently and it brought back some lovely memories of a fun photo session full of love and laughter.

When I arrived in Killarney it was raining so I took the opportunity to get a few quiet shots of Róisín, a beautiful young lady with soulful brown eyes.

I had scouted spots for photographs so that when the rain lifted we were able to get started straight away.

I love this shot of Carol and Seán as they chat and laugh together, it's a moment captured.  Their clothes are classic so I made the shot sepia to give it a timeless feel.

Ringo, the dog, refused to be left out for long, his beautiful colouring adds nicely to the palette of colours.

Family group hug.

Don't forget me...! says Ringo.

 The sloping path to the mound just begged to be used as a fun location for a family shot.

Abbey Road & The Beatles...?

Ronan is a great kid with a quiet strength who was good enough to sit for a few moments to get some close ups.

But enough of that and lets have some fun...

Some more quiet moments to capture the Love...

Emer & Róisín are growing into beautiful young ladies but before the seesaw tilts too much toward grown up it's great to capture that sense of fun.

Emer, so soft and gently beautiful against the tough texture of the tree bark.

Rather than have all shots of the family in their Communion finery we decided to do a quick change into jeans and T shirts for some more casual undated shots.

I love this shot as the family dissolved into laughter and Ringo joined in.

A few shots of Carol & Seán because sometimes we forget about ourselves in the meleé that is day to day family life and yet we parents are the anchors that hold it all together :-)

Thanks a million guys you were terrific models (you too Ringo.. :-) and the shoot was great fun X.